To My Friends, Once Again:

I have wanted to keep everyone updated on what is going on with the numbness in my arm/back that I posted about, especially since I haven’t been able to type in a while. I had an MRI done last week and received the results today. I have a herniated disc in my back. I will be referred to a doctor that specializes in this area later this week. I will continue to post updates as I get them. As always, please continue to pray.

8 responses to “To My Friends, Once Again:

  1. Hi there! I just stopped by from SITS, you were the comment above mine. 🙂 I am a follower of Christ as well! So sorry to hear about your back. Have you tried seeing a chiropractor? Specifically a Maximized Living chiropractor? This type of chiropractor is the type that I see. In their practices they focus on the God who made our bodies and that He created them to function correctly. They are just wonderful! You can do a search to try to find one in your area if you’re interested. Anyway, I just wanted to throw that out there for you to consider. I love my chiropractor and have many friends that go and love it too. Praying for healing and wholeness! Have a blessed day!

    • Hello Jenny, thanks for visiting. I actually went to a chiropractor first and he became concerned that something serious was wrong and referred me to a doctor to have an MRI done. I greatly appreciate your prayers! Please continue to pray. I’m going to try my best to type a new post very soon-things are getting worse and it seems like everything that can go wrong is. Thanks again!

  2. Sounds like you had quite a scare. I do hope that you find the right doctor and you get some relief from your symptoms soon. Prayers….

  3. Father, You are the God who formed and created us, and so I cry out to you on behalf of my friend, that You would touch each vertebrae, and restore the discs within them, so that she would be whole once more and able to serve You to the fullest. Lord, I pray that you would also comfort her and give her rest in Jesus’ name, amen.

    Many blessings to you my friend,

    • Amen. Thank you Cheryl for your beautiful prayer. I feel very blessed to have friends like you that I have been fortunate enough to meet through our blogs. I appreciate that you take the time to follow my blog and for you to take the time to pray for me. Thank you again and God Bless~Tabitha

  4. Sis I will always pray for you and about you. Love you so very much. I hope it is something that can be made better somehow.

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